Competitions of T.A.I.

We differentiate between traditional tournaments and the historical tournaments.

The sports regulations can be downloaded from the menu
-> Organization -> Documents. Below you will find a summary:

An ETO (European Traditional Open) consists of a total of 3 rounds, shot over 3 days (1 round per day). These are divided into 1 round of 3D sport and 2 rounds of 3D hunting.

3-D Sportunknown distances
3-D Huntingunknown distances, but max. 30m, for Kids and Juveniles max. 20m

3-D Sport is a 3-arrow round. The distances are unknown. The first arrow hit counts. If missed, a second arrow can be shot, if the second also missed, a third and last arrow can be shot.

1st arrow2nd arrow3rd arrow

Unknown distance means really unknown, there is no limit based on animal size. The same conditions apply to every archer. The targets are set in such a way that it is feasible and fair for every archer. The focus here is on the sporting challenge.

3-D Hunting is a 2-arrow round, 2 arrows are shot. Scoring inside kill/outside kill/wound 10/7/2 points. 24 to 30 targets at a maximum distance of 30 meters. Each target has two different pegs, one arrow per peg. Group IV animals must always be set up in pairs. (not necessarily the same) There is one stake for each animal.

An EHO (European Historical Open) is also shot over three days. However, the targets are mainly based on historical models (Historical). There are also moving targets (Technical). 3D targets are then used for filling. As we do not yet have much experience of the time required for each course, we are initially starting with 24 targets. These can be extended to 30 in the future. The scoring depends on the number of arrows to be shot.

3DScoring like ETOmax. 20 Pts.
Historical1 to 6 Arrowsprox. 20 Pts.
max. 24 Pts.
Technical1 to 6 Arrowsprox. 20 Pts.
max. 24 Pts.