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Origin: Poland

Diameter: 40 cm
Ground clearance: 1,50 m

Adaptation for T.A.I.
Shooting distance: is given
Children may shoot half distance
3 arrows per Target are to shoot
3 targets to shoot - 1st: standing frontal, 2nd: kneeling,
3rd: standing with the back to the targets

Usually there are 3  sets of these targets in a given distance.. The archer shoots each target from 3 different positions (Standing frontally, kneeling and facing with your back). The archer shoots 5 arrows from each position. This shooting will be done 2 times (2 rounds = 90 arrows to be shot). All competitions are shot in a given order in one sequence without breaks or checking or training. The maximum number of points to be scored will be 900 points for the scoring 10/8/5 point (inner to outer ring) The archery target with a common three-zone layout, with specially enlarged central zone that favors shooting and sub-missionary archers (means instinctive archers) by increasing the chance of getting the maximum score, even with a larger spread of hits.

Source: Karol Pisarkiewicz, PSŁT, Poland